Computer Science
As a student at Johnson & Wales University, I have done projects and courses on Computer Science, programming, databases, cyber security, & project management.
As a Journalism student at RWU with experience in print, radio, broadcast, and video storytelling and production, it is still the quality of the story that matters most.
Interested in finding a new employee for your business or publication? Look at my Resume, multimedia site, LinkdIn profile, and social media to get a better grasp on my skills and what I can offer you.
View many of the journalism pieces I have made as a student, as well as go visit my multimedia production site to take a look at my technical, artistic, and complex multimedia projects.
Multimedia Website
While being a journalist, I am also a talented multimedia editor. If you want to take look at my overall digital media skills, feel free to pop on over to my digital portfolio website
Fear and Loathing in America: Fight It
Hunter S. Thompson probably couldn't have wished for a more eccentric, erratic, and enthralling time. We are living in times where the world is heavily divided. I feel that science and technology can be a method to change the world's problems. From Journalism to Artificial Intelligence, the US and the world can benefit from the rapidly evolving technology and scientific landscape to help save our environment, protect our data, and improve the economies of countries all over the globe.
My Goals
There is a lot to be said for a new college graduate in today's society. I have been gifted with the opportunity to have two bachelor's degrees that allow me to look at the world in two very different lenses and be able to communicate the necessities of both effectively. It is not a simple task to change the world, but I feel that with my background and my passions for science, medicine, technology, and my empathy for the public writ large, that I am in a unique position to report on, create, and build projects that will benefit the world.
I am hoping to work in the science, engineering, medicine and research sphere to create programs and projects that will advance exploration and discovery of products, information, and services that help the public and the world. From Journalism, to Artificial Intelligence, to Public Health, I feel there is very little that technology can't change and advance, and I want to be on the front lines of this ever-evolving landscape that will definitively change the course of human history.
A New Hope
Luke Skywalker nearly joined the Empire for flight school. Just think about how different Star Wars would've been if our hero had joined the Dark Side? Don't let that happen. Follow me and the New Generation of Technology, Innovation, and Media.